I just wanted to write a little about a recent experience with Tarot as a communication tool. My boyfriend and I have an amazing relationship, that was built from the beginning of our friendship on a strong foundation of honest and open communication. Life has thrown us some choppy waters lately and we both have fallen into a state of withdrawing into ourselves and not communicating as well or as honestly as we should or are used to. We both have had our own issues to deal with and we have gone into a phase of just dealing with them alone and silently instead of leaning on each other like we always have.
So, with some concern and in an effort to find some solutions to our widening gap, I asked for a reading on the AT forum just to get some direction and ideas about how to turn things around for both of us. The reading was very accurate and gave me a chance to really examine how I was feeling and the position I was taking, as well as understanding my BF better, too. Still though, I was hesitant to bring it up with him for fear of putting him on the defensive or hurting him in anyway. Keep in mind, the reading was not negative, but did bring up some sensitive areas that were at the root of both of our individual issues, as well as where the gap in communication and closeness was coming from.
After mulling it over for awhile I had decided to mention it to him, and we talked about it very briefly, just the basics of the reading, but not really in-depth about the messages in it. Part of the reason we didn't get into it deeply is that we had friends on their way over for a visit and it just wasn't the right time. I ended up reading for our friends and having a really nice time doing so. After they left he asked for me to read for him as well. Not surprisingly, many of the same cards came out in his reading that had come out in the reading I had asked for earlier in the day.
This opened a line of communication for us that we really needed to talk about the issues and how we were really feeling in a very non-threatening way. For both of us, it helped us focus our thoughts and feelings in a way that we could communicate them without hurting the other. It also helped us take an honest look at our own part in the whole situation. And, it gave us things to think about as far as possible solutions to our own issues, and issues as a couple.
I considered today how refreshing it was to have a tool to work with to get issues out in the open and get us to look at them in fresh light without all the filters and preconceived notions we tend to apply to everything that comes our way. I love that the more I explore this wonderful thing called Tarot, the more I find that it is a useful and valuable tool for every area of our lives!
I hope many of you experience the same broadening of your horizons as you explore Tarot!
The Oedipus Cycle and Tarot Triumphs
3 weeks ago
The ability of the cards to draw out of us what we've been hiding from ourselves is the greatest gift they can give. Keep up the good work, Sharyn/Quirk
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
The Tarot can be amazing that is for sure. I just wanted to let you know I added you to my blogroll and would love for you to come by and visit. i know Iwill be back here often!
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