I work with auras and chakras in my new business and so I wanted to try a little experiment in combining tarot with chakras for a special spread and reading. I decided to try out my initial idea on some friends that I exchange readings with and they graciously agreed to let me post here in my blogs. All of the readings I post will be kept anonymous but I will try to include thier feedback as well, so you readers (and myself) can learn from this experience :)
I am sure there are many spreads out there dealing with chakras or based on the chakra system. I didn't look for any. On purpose. LOL My idea was just to take what was floating in my head and see if I could form it into something that made sense for me and worked.
I pulled a card for each of the chakras with the question “How does this person experience this chakra, or what does this person need to know concerning this chakra?” and then a final card for “What can help this person bring all of their Chakras in balance and alignment to become a whole, harmonious person?”
I am really looking forward to your feedback... this was an interesting reading experience for me and really was very interesting and engaging from this side of the process. Let me know what you all think!
On the Chakras themselves in case you are unfamiliar. I will include some information on each chakra in the readings but wanted to have the info here in an easy to find place if you need to find it as it applies to your reading.
As Anodea Judith said in her book "Wheels of Life" (which is great btw):
"At the inner core of each one of us spin seven wheel-like energy centers called chakras. Swirling intersections of vital life forces, each chakra reflects an aspect of consciousness essential to our lives." Also, "Chakras are organizing centers for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies."
The chakras and the aspect of our lives associated with each are (briefly) as follows:
1. Root, at base of spine. Associated with survival, safety, all matters most physical such as finances, career, possessions, etc.
2. Sacral, located in lower abdomen. Associated with emotions and sexuality.
3. Solar Plexus, located at the solar plexus (just a bit higher than the sacral). Associated with our ego, personal power, will and self-esteem. This is also where your immune system, physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychically is seated.
4. Heart, located over the sternum. This is the chakra that is related to issues of love. It affects how we relate to others and our feelings of empathy.
5. Throat, located in the throat (adam's apple vicinity). Is associated with communication of Truth to others and ourselves, as well as creativity.
6. Third Eye, located in the center of forehead. This is the seat of our intuition, imagination and is associated with clairvoyance.
7. Crown, located at the top of the head. This is associated with knowledge, understanding and transcendent consciousness. This is also our connection to the Universe and the opening to receive spiritual or Universal knowledge and information.
Its important to understand that this is a SYSTEM that must work together harmoniously for us to live healthy, complete, fulfilled lives. They cannot function independently of each other, and when there is a problem with one, the others will accomodate to help until that one is healthy again.
OK, there is soooo much more to it than that... but just wanted to give a basic understanding for anyone not familiar... now on with the readings!
The Oedipus Cycle and Tarot Triumphs
3 weeks ago
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