I have mentioned in my blogs about my new business venture. Well I'm working today on developing a web presence. I just started a Facebook for our business, which by the way is named Bio-Energy Awareness, Inc. I'm also (still!) working on our main website. I love the graphic design part, but HATE the coding and programming lol.
Just briefly our business is all about Energy, Aura and Chakra analysis. We do analysis using biofeedback equipment and can give our clients all kinds of information in colorful, easy to understand formats, up to a 23 page report. In the near future we are developing some special events so that clients can get a before reading, try some different things like Reiki or energy work or guided meditation and then get an after report to see how their energy changed. We are also in the process of developing some in-depth workshops for Aura and Chakra education and mastery.
If you are on Facebook and would like to join us, please do :)
I will also be opening up another blog to follow the ups and downs and interesting results we find through our work, so check back for that as well!
The Oedipus Cycle and Tarot Triumphs
3 weeks ago
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