I found this on the Aeclectic Forum, and although the poster wasn't sure who to attribute it to, I thought it sounded like a fantasticly simple spread for everyday use. So I'm giving it a whirl today...
Here's the spread basics:
1. Works (including anything you're working on, like school, projects...more than just going to work)
2. Home/family
3. The Unexpected
4. Your Role
5. Outcome
My Reading:
1. Three of Cups
2. Knight of Cups
3. Six of Wands
4. Seven of Cups
5. Justice
1. Works-Three of Cups: Celebration, Time of Rejoicing. The three signifies and initial completion, yet with more hard work and tribulation ahead before a final fulfillment is achieved. In my new business, we have had a time of reconsidering, regrouping and re-evaluating and it would be great to come into a space of initial achievement, especially where the connection with our business partners and resources is concerned. This card doesn't necessarily speak of finances but of relationships and feelings, so I would tend to move more towards and expectation of initial completion of solidifying business relationships and a feeling of success in our own emotions and attitudes toward our business. This could also apply in the area of my family, as well, since that is a major part of my "works" lol. We have had a rough year and been through much, but it would be great to spend some time celebrating our accomplishments as a family. On a personal note, I am already feeling some initial accomplishment in my spiritual/metaphysical studies, with starting this blog, getting more comfortable with Tarot and moving into a very fulfilling social enviornment on AT.
2. Home/Family - Knight of Cups: The noble Perseus who rode forth into battle not for glory or reward but for love. This card indicates an upsurge in romance in my home/family life. This could come from either myself, or my partner, or both! With the turmoil of the past few months, couple time and romance have been sporadic at best, even though we have managed to stay very connected as a couple. Maybe this card is encouraging me to take the reins and be more romantic and show that gentle affection to my partner. And, maybe in return, his romantic flames will be fanned and he will return the affection!
3. The Unexpected - Six of Wands: public acclaim, promotion, qualification, recognition for work and effort. I feel that our business is going to be quickly moving into a time where people start to recognize the power of the tool we can offer them and we will begin to get recognition and acclaim from areas we didn't even approach or expect it from. I also think this could apply to my court case today, that it is possible I will get some recognition and reward for the trials I have been put through and also for the selfless work that I devote to my kids (in comparison to their dad's involvement).
4. Your Role - Seven of Cups: "There is an exceptional choice to be made with many options open. Careful decisions must be made." I tend to be quite impulsive and impatient at times with my decisions. I know that right now, many important options are on the table and this is a warning to think through and carefully weigh all my options, without just jumping at the first thing that comes along. This card indicates a time of high creative potential which is great! But that creative potential can only be realized through effort and hard work. "Once we can make a true commitment to a dream, goal or aspiration, things hence become much easier." Consider wisely, then take definite action!
5. Outcome - Justice: Of course, immediately my thoughts concerning my court case today jumped at this one! I really would like to see justice done and carried out today and it would seem from this reading and several others lately that that is to be the case. I'll let you know! In another direction, this card reinforces the number 4 card, with discernment and careful, wise weighing of options. It could indicate that as I learn the lesson of the Seven of Cups, I will become more like the Justice card, able to give impartial evaluation of a situation and find the best course of action, based on the facts, not just on feelings or intuition alone.
All in all a very fulfilling and thought provoking reading. Not sure I could do this every day, but maybe something to be explored a couple of times a week? We'll see.... I'll update later on the outcome of the cards...
UPDATE #1-Court did NOT go as expected today. I expected results and closure, whatever the outcome, but instead ended up with a legal tangle (or several actually) that resulted in a continuance and none of the issues being ruled on. Hard not to be discouraged at another delay after so long waiting, but I'm trying to focus on the possible positive aspects of today's events and not let my emotions slip towards the negative whirlpool that wants to drag me down. I still have faith in that Justice card, I just need to be patient for its timing! More to come...
The Oedipus Cycle and Tarot Triumphs
3 weeks ago
I very much enjoyed this post particularly because you updated it. :) Thanks for that. My curiosity gets the better of me.
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