Note: Reading, feedback.
1. Root-7 of Swords
You are possibly facing problems in the area of this chakra (finances, career, possessions, safety, survival) but the more serious issue is that you have not fully thought out your solution to the problem. Rash decisions and actions can be as dangerous as the problem itself. Think through your options, develop a well formulated plan, weigh all the possibilities, and only then, take action to resolve the issue.
YES. I've been trying to think of different ways when going about something.I already made a few rash decisions but didn't follow through with them. Nothing major though. I'm going in various directions and confused about which way to go. So I go anywhere... well, maybe not anywhere. Will try to remember that.
2. Sacral-Knight of Cups
In the area of emotions which this chakra is the source of, you are romantic and idealistic. You are more ready to celebrate the victory than to ride out for battle. Your romanticism probably makes you loathe confrontation and conflict, though. Remember to be realistic with your feelings and emotions, and don’t spend so much time in your idealized world that you forget the realities of your emotions. This is also the seat of sexual passion, and you are probably a very passionate lover.
Well, I don't just want anyone, you have to be THE ONE. And yes... when it comes to that I am all up in my head as well as my heart because no one compares to this vision I have. It's not so much that I loathe confrontation and conflict, it's when things are going good and someone has to turn around and become a psycho that I don't need to deal with. Drama.... just is not for me, no. I like to bite a lip from time to time. haha
3. Solar Plexus-King of Wands
This chakra is related to your ego, sense of power and self esteem, as well as being your immune system and protector, physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychically. The King of Wands shows you being a fiery, passionate person who believes deeply in themselves and their ideals and beliefs. Wildly creative, you move forward with your projects and ideas, sometimes insensitively to others’ needs. Your own sense of self is strong and at times you become impatient with people who don’t share your sense of personal empowerment.
I do believe so deeply in myself, I'm very serious about all the "strange" things that I may bring up to others. I know it's true, so it's true! and they better believe me. haha I'm creative in many different ways, yes.... Photography, dancing, Singing, playing Piano, Writing..... list goes on. I can be insensitive to others yes, but it's never on purpose. I'm very impatient.... I was complaining the other night that I delete people if they answer me with one word...... where's the brain at?! where's ..........the brain?! lol
4. Heart-King of Cups
The heart chakra deals with our sense of love and how we relate to those around us. You again have a very strong card here showing a great deal of compassion and empathy for those in need or pain. You are very good at offering counseling and healing to those around you, yet many times you won’t accept the same in return. This King balances the King of Wands in your Solar Plexus by allowing you to feel that empathy that the Solar Plexus may not recognize in the heat of the passionate pursuit of goals and dreams.
I went through an extremely long period where my focus was on helping people. I still do at times and always with business. The Empathy runs so deep that I will start to feel them from far away. It upsets me sometimes because I have not learned how to control it. I will be happy and calm and the next minute crying and deeply sad for no reason and I know it's not me. A lot of family, friends and people I don't know come to me for advice on a daily basis. I don't really like to show my emotions or tell people when I am having problems. If I do, it's so few and far between. I feel I should deal with things on my own.
5. Throat-Empress
In this seat of communication of Truth to others and yourself, you show again a strong personality card. Your communication with others is often guided by passion and creativity. You share with others nurturing messages that promote birth and growth of creative energy and expression. Your communication tends to be very emotional in nature and full of love for the most part, but be careful that there is a balance of honesty and truth with that love and nurturing, as love without boundaries or honesty becomes obsessive and disharmonious.
My communication is guided by a lot of passion. I am very passionate about the topics that I may speak of. I live this. haha I am always sharing those types of messages yes, I get sad when I see someone down and I must let them know that the sun will shine again. You're telling me? lol That happened a couple times with friends. I didn't set boundaries and they kept sucking me dry. Wanting more and more and more....
6. Third Eye-10 of Cups
The third eye chakra governs our intuition, creativity and is associated with clairvoyance. A card of completion, fulfillment and contentment, you have opened yourself up to your intuition and creativity and have found in exploring these parts of yourself a sense of contentment and fulfillment. However, be careful not to become complacent. There is always more to explore, more to learn, room to grow. This area of your life is one that brings you much joy because you have respected and honored it, but don’t stop those behaviors now that you are finding contentment.
I have found that. I love my path more than anything I have ever done or went through. You're very right.... because I have been feeling quite unsatisfied, I must learn more.... I don't know where to go but it's driving me crazy. Yes, it does bring me great joy and you're so right.
7. Crown-Ace of Wands
Here we find the chakra that connects us to the Universe, to spiritual information and knowledge, to understanding and transcendent consciousness. The Ace of Wands signifies a wonderful gift. It is the beginning and spark of creation, invention and discovery. Be open to the gift the Universe and spirit is bestowing on you by being open to new information and revelations, and be ready to act upon them. The gift of the Ace of Wands is not one that is for contemplation alone, it requires us to grab ahold and take action. Watch for your opportunities and doors to open in the spiritual realms and then be ready to move on them!
This is going to drive me crazy I wouldn't say that I sit there watching everything... every little sign and symbol... it will pop out to me when it's meant to. But it will drive me crazy because I'll be watching everything now.
Final Card-7 of Cups
I sense that you are a fairly balanced and harmonious person energetically, although the appearance of so many strong personalities and cards in your chakras indicates a channeling of strong, sometimes overpowering, energy. To bring your chakras and energy into harmony and alignment, you must continue to dream and be inspired and revel in all the choices and opportunities that come your way. Use caution though, that you don’t get caught up in the dreaming itself and neglect to take action. Find inspiration where it appears for you, recognize distractions for what they are. Don’t put off taking action too long for the sake of enjoying the daydream or you may find your dreams fading away.
Yeah, my life is hard. I know I'm not schizophrenic but sometimes I feel like different people. hehe There are many spirits that surround me. I'm trying to do what you stated currently. I don't have time to dabble.
Many blessings! I've enjoyed your reading and with it you carry quite the gift!
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